Sessions can take place online live via Zoom, over the phone, at  Neals Yard Therapy Rooms or London Bridge

'Enlightened. Today was my first experience of the magic that is Josephine McGrail. I spent two enlightening hours in her care. I cannot believe the connection she found to my internal turmoil and how she managed to read me like she was best friends with my soul. Maybe she is. I can’t wait for my next awakening. Words cannot express my gratitude'Noele Hammet

“I met Josephine through a Nordic Sisters event earlier this year and her approach really resonated with me.  I found out that she also offered energy healings. Since then I have done two healing sessions. Each had different aspects but both were equally powerful healings. She manages to take you deep into what needs clearing, leaving you feeling a sense of calm, stillness and grounding” Alyson Smith

'I had my very first healing session with Josephine over the phone, in the comfort of my own home......Being gently guided in meditation, I found myself surrounded by light, my soul being awakened with a spiritual shower, I walked away feeling greatly enlightened with a much stronger spiritual sense of purpose. Josephine is such a kind and generous soul, I am ever grateful to have crossed paths with her. Her healing sessions and meditations serves my higher self well. Her work is so great I was actually recommended to her by a good friend of mine' Jazzmin Fletcher

'I met Josie in a yoga class and instinctively connected with her on a different and spiritual level. This is where I knew I had to give her healing sessions a chance - and oh my am I happy I did so! It is her openness, sensitivity and honesty that drew me to dig deeper to explore other parts of myself. On top of that she will put in her best efforts to get you on your path, which is all due to the incredible knowledge and expertise she has. If you’re talking about taking a leap of faith and just going with the flow, see how these sessions can help you open your eyes and become someone you always wanted to be'  Sophia Keijzer

For more reviews head over to Testimonials:)

Wellness Coaching 

Im here to help you realise and recognise what makes you YOU.  Im here to empower you to take whatever steps necessary to be the brightest version of you. And Im SO happy you decided to be here!!

I work as a wellness coach specialising specifically in the areas of ADHD and Neurodiversity.  Giving talks for wonderful companies such as Deloitte, Nexus, Havas, EY, Wolf & Badger, Continental Drifts, Mental Health First Aid England to name a few. As well as working with big groups I also offer 121 sessions either over the phone, via Zoom or in person. 

Whether you are wanting support, looking to change career, feeling lost after a break up, lacking motivation or direction Im here for you. 

Using my expansive experience including working with people from all kinds of different backgrounds, mind sets,  age groups and belief systems, we will hone in on what it is that truly lights YOU up: what makes you YOU and why the world needs you to fully embrace and embody all of your edges in order to show up and create real change. 

Whatever drove you to look me up and now read these lines I KNOW you are here for a reason and it would be my great honour to help you uncover your true life purpose and above all get your drive and inspiration back:)

Get in touch to hear more and ask any questions you may have. 

Price £250 for one off or block of 10 at 15% discount 

Intuitive Healing

Whether Im working with a person  a group, or a place I work intuitively using the highest source of all: LOVE

Using the ancient wisdom of the heart this allows me to take you on a deep personal, journey that releases tension, stress and stagnant energy which could have been build up and imprinted in your body for years. Leaving you feeling refreshed and energised. 

The healing starts when YOU decide it is time!!!

As we all consist of all of the elements such as space, air, fire, water and earth I work and collaborate with these to restore balance and vitality to your mind, body and spirit.

Purifiying any areas that may have become stagnant: Allowing life force and flow back into your life.

On a practical level this may involve:

Gentle mobilising movement
Breathe Work
Acupressure massage 
Essential Oils

At some point I will ask you to lie down comfortably as I start to talk you through a deep relaxation.
It is only when we are fully relaxed that our bodies are able to heal.
This is what I help you discover and connect to:


Please note that each session is uniquely customised for YOUR OPTIMAL healing so this format may well change with you, from session to session. Providing you with exactly whats is needed. Each time.

For your Growth and Healing,

                                         With Love Josephine

For group, couples and house sessions contact me for prices

                          Make Time For Me Book Here

Ps. Read "How Josie Healed My House" (Published Articles) and/or read my blog "Clear Your Home Heal Your Life" to find out how clearing your home benefits ALL areas of your life.. even to the point of attracting the right people into your life.

Price £250 for one off or block of 10 at 15% discount 

Shamanic Healing

Nature is my medicine. Always has been and always will be. As we are literally made up of all of the elements it only makes sense to return back to those very elements when we are needing to heal something. Where ever I go I feel into my surroundings: does it feel uplifting or draining? Is there sadness or even anger here? Just as certain people will trigger

different emotions inside you so does Nature. When I work I do so hand in hand with the earth, the waters, the sun, the air and the space. I am guided and protected. Everything else fades out into the background. Only here and now exists. And there is a huge FLOW of energy moving through me. All I do is simply to allow it to guide me.

All I do is STEP out of the way. And let spirit/higher self/universe/God/love whatever you want to name “it” do the work.

I guess you can say I am a white witch dressed as a fashionista but with both feet firmly grounded into mother earth.”

Essentially it works like this:

We will have a short talk about you and where your at in your life presently.

Then we will look at where you want to be and why you chose to come!

Finally all you need to do is simply lie down and relax as the healing energy starts to move through you.

During the healing I may use my beautiful Shamanic Drum,  breath work, guided visualisation and mindfulness meditations, sounds and voice work, gentle acupressure massage/manipulation of the connective tissue (fascia) of the body to encourage flow of energy to heal and restore.

Hear more and book yours now

Price £250 for one off or block of 10 at 15% discount 

Bespoke Meditations

The healing and transformational power of meditation is incredible. Everything starts in the mind so whatever it is you are looking to change/feel/have/be it is your thought patterns we will be looking to explore and gently guide. 

Each and every meditation is unique to you and your circumstances and I usually recommend working with the specific meditation I record for you for at least 30days before we check back in and see where you are at. 

These meditations are always created from an in depth Intuitive/Shamanic Healing or Wellness Coaching session to give me a great understanding of what exactly is needed for your greatest healing at this moment in time. 

You might also want to consider trying out my lovely Morning Miracle Club experience which takes place over 30 days. 

If you are ready to start your transformation of mind body and soul reach out to me here

30mins bespoke meditation for optimal health, wealth and love: £85

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