‘Where does the therapeutic practitioner (counsellor, coach, neuro diversity specialist) go for self compassion, growth and restoration, to the wonderful healing universe of Josephine Mcgrail!
‘I really enjoyed the weekend ‘Letting go with grace’ retreat. I didn't go with any specific reason other than we would have been at our in-person retreat had the world been a different place. However, I found what came up needed to come up and it was good TO LET GO!!!! I was currently going through something intense that was very stress-inducing and literally taking my breath away, so it was lovely to be held by you at this time, once again. It has been magical to be in a more spiritual space, and I wanted to say "thank you" and that this is such a great and inspired idea and I would love to do more of these.'  
Much love Angie Alderman

 ‘Letting Go With Grace’ 

a sacred weekend home retreat for you to journey anywhere, anytime, as often as you like

Imagine creating a sacred space for YOU

For your thoughts and all your feelings

For that part of you that exists when your eyes are closed and noone is watching

For your soul that knows you better than any to speak her/his truth

For your body to gently detox and transform into that powerful being you came here to be

For your mind to relax and let go of stress that has been keeping you anxious and angry

To get out of the old patterns that are too small for who you are becoming

To start and live each day feeling RADIANTLY alive

To awaken to each new day with a beautiful sense of clarity and gratitude for your life and the miracles you will be enjoying and performing

To say YES I am worthy

To shout YES with open arms

To finally surrender all guilt, pain and shame

To accept, embrace and CHOOSE LIFE

You can  start this wonderful retreat experience on ANY Friday evening and enjoy it through sat until you finish on Sunday evening.

48hrs of being enveloped in healing, breath work, ancient rituals, yoga, meditation and positive energy.

Are YOU ready to accept this invitation from your soul?

Are YOU ready to ease off all that heaviness and finally come home?

Say YES if your with me

The weekend is pre recorded so you can do it in your own time and it includes:

Friday Opening ceremony & gentle yoga
Sat Morning yoga flow & ritual
Sat Afternoon check in journalling
Sat Evening Guided visualisation & Meditation
Sun Morning yoga flow & transformational breathe work
Sun Afternoon reconnect and ritual of Water
Sun evening Closing ceremony and Yin yoga

Your investment to the wellness of your mind body and soul is £120 to keep this sacred home retreat forever

Book yours now

Love lives in you

xxxxx Josephine

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